BUUF occasional choir

Weekend Services & Programs


NOTE DAYS AND TIMES! More information to follow in the weekly notices.

Sunday Services 11:00 AM 

Unless otherwise specified

Upcoming events

Holiday Feast at the Quest Community Center

Thursday, November 28th at 2 pm

Let’s celebrate Thanksgiving together. Dinner will be 2:00 pm at the Quest

Community Center. Friends and family are welcome. Turkey will be

provided. Signup for a potluck item to share. Signup sheet is on the bulletin board on

the ramp. If you have any questions, contact Lyda Adair.

The office will be closed on Thanksgiving Day.


December 1  Dr. Nia To Go There “Soul Journaling” Session 3

“Critical Thinking”

In Sessions 1 and 2 we looked inward to get a sense of our inner compass (our core beliefs and values) that guided us.  In Session 3 we will focus on our cognitive skills like critical thinking and sense making. More than ever these skills will be challenged as we move into the politically charged chaos of the upcoming Trump presidency.  Please bring your journal and pen as we process in small groups and large group sharing/discussion.


December 8 Dr. Lee Greer  “Cosmic Happenings”


Very rarely do we take the time to appreciate the vast panorama of stars and other “heavenly bodies.”  Do you ever wonder how we humans came to develop stories about our relationship to the cosmos?  Stay tuned.

December 15. Kris & Scott Prinzing & Joyce Hein“Sing for the Season!”  

Joyce, Kris and Scott will lead us in fun seasonal songs, some silly and some solemn, and may even sing a few of their own solstice themed tunes! Come join us for festive fellowship and fulsome frivolity!

December 22

December 29  Sue Reymer. “Centering for the New Year”

Bring your centering and grounding practices to share with the group as we prepare for 2025.