NOTE DAYS AND TIMES! More information to follow in the weekly notices.
Sunday Services 11:00 AM
Unless otherwise specified
February 2 Bailey Desper “Finding my True Self”
Join Bailey as she shares her deeply felt personal and inspiring story of finding her true self in mind, body, and spirit. She will share her journey of resilience and determination to overcome oppression as a member of the LGTBQ community. Now, more than ever, her life journey serves as a reminder that together, we can overcome adversity and create a brighter, more inclusive future.
February 9. Jessica Kay Ogdin, Executive Director of the Yellowstone Art Museum
“Art & Spirituality”. Joint Program with BAH
For thousands of years, humankind has told spiritual stories through visual art. This presentation and discussion will explore how museums engage with the art history of spirituality and how viewers might find engagement and personal enlightenment in any gallery space.
February 16 Nia ToGoThere “Reconnecting with the Earth and Each Other”
In a short 12-minute video two Indigenous women speak to our dilemma of separation from the Earth. They elaborate on how we’ve forgotten our connection to the entire web of life as we move into a period of major political upheaval, climate crisis, and other issues related to protecting our basic human rights. How do we prepare ourselves for an unknown future? What transformational changes do we have to make to bring us back to balance? What does return and reconnecting to the Earth mean? We will discuss these questions as we listen deeply to our shared wisdom.
February 23. Nia ToGoThere “Soul Journaling 5: Caring for Others and the World”
Our discussion and journaling session will focus on Caring for Others and The World. This encompasses appreciating, caring for and feeling connected to others, such as neighbors, future generations or the biosphere, and helps us create more just and sustainable systems and societies for everyone. How do we do this in our politically divided culture? This is an open space for shared wisdom. So, come with your questions and your journals.